our services

EU projects

  • Assistance at theapplication stage for EU funds, in particular in case of refusal to grantfunding: drafting appeals against negative evaluations of projects, drawing upcomplaints to be filed with the Polish Regional Administrative Court (WSA) orthe Polish Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) in the event that the appeals are not admitted, re-evaluation ofprojects is negative or the appeals are left unexamined, representation ofClients in appeal and court-administrative proceedings
  • Providing permanent andad hoc legal advice to Beneficiaries in the course of implementation ofprojects co-financed from EU funds, including but not limited to:  preparation of analyses and opinions,verification of eligibility of expenditure, drafting of partnership agreements, assistance in the procurementprocedure, legal assistance during inspections, applying for interpretations tothe IP or IZ
  • Legalassistance at the stage of clearing projects, in particular: draftingobjections to post-control communications, appeals against decisions to impose correctionsand/or to
    return funds, complaints to be lodged with the Polish Regional AdministrativeCourt (WSA) or the Polish Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) regarding returnof EU funds, seeking payment of withheld funds before civil courts, representationof Clients in appeal proceedings, administrative, judicial as well as judicialand administrative proceedings


Corporate practice

  • creating new entities – in particular partnerships, limited liability and joint-stock companies, foundations and societies. We also provide assistance in creating branches and agencies
  • providing day-to-day legal services  –  in particular assisting with organization of general meetings, meetings of shareholders, supervisory and management boards
  • preparing shareholders agreements
  • amending articles of association, statutes of the entities, making other changes in the corporate structures
  • recording changes in the public registries
  • reorganizing  business entities — in particular mergers and acquisitions
  • preparing acquisitions and share transfer agreements
  • liquidating existing business activities


Real Estate

  • we carry out legal surveys of real property
  • we advise on the acquisition of undeveloped anddeveloped, fully developed commercial real property, as well as flats andsingle-family houses
  • we draft and negotiate transaction documents
  • we advise on the construction process, inparticular on planning matters, environmental law and construction law
  • we draw up and negotiate construction contracts andadvise on the construction procedure
  • we draft and negotiate rental contracts for office,retail, warehouse and production premises
  • we advise on expansion, reconstruction andrenovation of building facilities
  • we advise on the day-to-day management of realproperty
  • we handle proceedings regarding an increase in feesfor perpetual usufruct and the transformation of perpetual usufruct intoownership title
  • we advise on tax optimization of transactions
  • we advise on the sale of undeveloped and developedreal property, as well as flats and single-family houses, in particular, weconduct legal surveys on behalf of the seller as well as draft and negotiatetransaction documents
  • we represent clients in real property disputes,including disputes between developers and general contractors



  • assisting in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts of all types, including advice on the most tax effective solutions in commercial contracts
  • negotiating  out-of-court settlements



  • conducting labour and employment due-diligence with particular focus on verification of  all internal regulations and policies of a given business entity
  • verifying the execution of working time regulations,  occupational safety and health
  • advising on discrimination issues in order to avoid potential judiciary proceedings
  • drafting and negotiating labour contracts and all other documents connected with the course of employment


Dispute Resolution

  • representing our Clients before the common, administrative and arbitration courts, including the Supreme Court and Supreme Administrative Court
  • assisting in cash collection cases, including pre-trial summons and representation in court and executive proceedings



  • Providing ongoing tax advice
  1. Providing answers to day-to-day questions
  2. Preparation of opinions, commentaries withassessment of tax consequences of transactions and events which arise duringongoing business operations
  3. Preparation of applications for taxinterpretations, Binding Rate Information and Binding Excise Information
  4. Tax analysis of contracts entered into
  • Assistance during inspections and investigations
  1. Identification of strategies for operations duringinspections
  2. Representation of the taxpayer during inspections
  3. Preparation of clarifications, drafting pleadings
  • Advising on transfer pricing
  1. Preparation of transfer pricing documentationincluding comparative analyses and assistance in reporting on transfer pricing
  2. Identification of tax consequences of transactionsand events in terms of transfer pricing
  • Tax reviews
  1. Review of tax settlements with respect to each type of tax in terms of fulfillment oftax obligations
  2. Due diligence reviews in connection with restructuring transactions, mergers and acquisitions
  3. Tax reviews prior to applying for VAT refunds
  • Advice in restructuring proceedings
  1. Assessment of tax implications of a plannedbusiness model, assistance in the selection of an optimal model
  2. Tax assistance in restructuring
  • Assistance in fulfilling reporting obligations
  1. Review of transactions and events with regard toregulations on tax schemes reporting (MDR)
  2. Preparation of tax strategy and information on taxstrategy
  • Preparation of tax procedures
  1. Preparation of procedures for fulfillment ofobligations related to tax clearance and reporting
  2. Preparation of MDR procedures
  3. Preparation of procedures to mitigate criminal andfiscal risks
  4. Development of procedures for verification ofcontractors
  • Verification of tax settlements for possible taxreliefs and exemptions
  1. Identification of tax reliefs and exemptionsresulting from the taxpayer's business model
  2. Assistance in claiming tax refunds and overpayments
  • Customs advice
  1. Assistance in obtaining customs permits
  2. Identification and implementation of customssolutions enabling the planned logistics model to be completed


Technologies and Personal Data

  • advising companies operating in broadly defined new technologies and online services sector on current matters and dispute resolution
  • preparing and negotiating commercial contracts on the supply of goods and services, license agreements, outsourcing contracts
  • preparing terms, conditions and policies for various online services in B2C and B2B models
  • carrying out audits in the field of personal data protection (including GDPR), supporting the implementation of necessary solutions
  • assisting in day-to-day management of personal data and privacy protection, including assistance related to sudden incidents or handling data subjects’ requests
  • providing consultant’s services or an external Data Protection Officer (DPO) to be part of our Clients’ organization
  • assisting in the resolution of disputes or cases of infringement related to personal data
  • advising in due diligence processes and carrying out transactions (M&A type) involving technology or personal data as the main asset


Intellectual Property

  • advising on building a portfolio of intellectual property rights, IP strategies of enterprises, drawing up legal opinions on clearance searching, trademark registration availability, risk analysis of registration and use of certain designations, internet domains names, use of copyrighted work or implementation of other protective solutions
  • providing legal assistance in the scope of registration of designs and trademarks
  • representing Clients in proceedings before the Polish Patent Office and European Union Intellectual Property Office regarding oppositions, invalidations and further proceedings before administrative courts
  • advising on agreements regarding industrial property, copyrights, know-how such as transfers, license agreements, etc.
  • representing Clients in disputes (court proceedings and settlement negotiations) in the event of infringements of intellectual property rights: trademarks, designs, patents, copyrights, internet domains, business secrets, etc.


Restructuring and bankruptcy law

  • Drafting bankruptcy petitions for natural persons,not operating businesses (consumer bankruptcy), including analyses ofinsolvency status
  • Providing legal services to business entities inbankruptcy, restructuring
  • Advising creditors in thecourse of bankruptcy proceedings, restructuring proceedings, in particular, infiling proofs of claims, participating in the work of creditors' committees andmeetings, as well as challenging lists of claims and distribution plans
  • Providing services in the court and out-of-courtrestructuring proceedings, including assistance in drafting restructuringplans, private investor and private creditor tests
  • Professional drafting of letters ofdisqualification from operating businesses and in proceedings to adjudicateboard members' liability for arrears
  • Representation in court both at the stage ofopening restructuring proceedings and in the substantive course of theproceedings


Pharmaceutical Law

  • preparing and negotiating various kinds of contracts, including licencing, manufacturing, repacking, supplying, agreements on technical cooperation, import, acquisitions, confidentiality and pharmacovigilance, including in particular the application of foreign law
  • providing opinions on pharmaceutical law matters, including customs and taxation cases
  • providing legal assistance in intellectual property rights cases in the areas of pharmaceutical sector
  • complex legal assistance in the scope of pharmacovigilance
  • representing Clients from pharmaceutical sector in various litigation and arbitration disputes


Competition law

  • advising on the compliance of the market strategy with the regulations on abuse of a dominant position and anti-competitive agreements (distribution strategies, territorial and customer groups restrictions in distribution systems, sales rationing, pricing and promotional strategies, purchasing groups, exclusivity agreements, non-competition clauses, statutes and resolutions of industry associations, joint R&D projects, cooperation between competitors, licenses for intellectual property rights and know-how)
  • representation of entrepreneurs in proceedings before the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and European Commission in cases concerning alleged anti-competitive practices (abuse of dominance and anti-competitive agreements)
  • drafting leniency submissions
  • drafting opinions on whether the legal obligation exists to obtain the clearance of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection or of the European Commission for the merger or acquisition
  • drafting submissions to obtain the clearance of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection or of the European Commission for the merger or acquisition
  • representing clients in searches (“dawn-raids”) conducted by the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection pr European Commission
  • antitrust compliance services – audits of compliance of entrepreneurs’ activities with the competition law rules, drafting or verifying and adjustment of procedures regarding external and internal relations
  • antitrust compliance services – practical training in the form of a mock dawn raid (search) with the participation of managers employees, drafting or verifying and adjustment of procedures in the event of a search
  • representation of entrepreneurs in proceedings before the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection in proceedings concerning anticompetitive practices or mergers and acquisitions
  • representation of entrepreneurs in proceedings before the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection in proceedings concerning the infringement of collective consumer interests
  • representation of entrepreneurs in civil court proceedings for redress of damage causedby infringement of competition laws („private enforcement”),
  • trainings


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